Self-confidence is the foundation for happiness & success. If only the beautiful smile is missing then we can effectively solve this problem for you with veneers.
This high-end and aesthetically minimally invasive treatment is designed to improve your smile quickly and surprisingly. To plan your future smile, we use digital and analog designs.
We simulate your future smile in advance. You will have the opportunity to see, feel and analyze everything before making a final decision.
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Dental veneers (also: shield, facet, or shell) are dental restoration made of a layer of tooth-colored composite or porcelain material that is permanently bonded to the tooth or teeth to improve their color, shape, or composition.

Our working method
- We simulate your future smile so you can see and feel everything before making decisions;
- We treat minimally invasive: if possible we avoid drilling and otherwise by minimal precision drilling;
- We provide facings treatments under an operating microscope;
- You will receive information on price and possible insurance reimbursement.

These aesthetic restoration techniques are characterized by the reduction of tissue loss and fast and beautiful results. It is possible for both teeth and molars:
- Applying porcelain shields (veneers) to teeth;
- Application of porcelain restorations (inlays & onlays) on molars.
Important things to know before taking veneers
Your smile is important for a good first impression. It’s worth investing in your smile with veneers, but prepare yourself well first. Once the shields are placed, they look like the better version of your natural teeth.
What are veneers?
A veneer is a thin shield placed on a tooth. It can be used to mask crooked teeth, chipped teeth or gaps between teeth. Veneers can be made of different materials: composite or porcelain. Composite veneers consist of a layer of filling material that is applied directly to the teeth. With porcelain veneers, your teeth are measured and the porcelain shields are made in a laboratory and then bonded to the teeth.
How do veneers feel?
A veneer feels like your own tooth but you may need to get used to it. If your teeth have been made longer, talking may be difficult at first. If the dentist has changed the shape of your teeth to a great extent, sounds may become distorted.
You don't need veneers on all your teeth
When you smile, usually only the front teeth are clearly visible. So, you may want to consider getting only veneers on the front teeth. The shield should fit well with the natural teeth.
How long do veneers last?
This depends on the type of veneers you choose. Porcelain veneers last up to 15 years and composite veneers last 4 to 8 years. Veneers wear out when you bite nails or grind your teeth. Damaged veneers can either be repaired or replaced.
Can veneers discolor?
Veneers are made of high quality material. Composite veneers can discolor over time if little brushing is done. Porcelain veneers don't discolor or hardly discolor.
Which is better: veneers or crowns?
In terms of strengthening the teeth, a veneers does a lot for intact teeth and less for incomplete teeth. Crowns completely encompass a tooth and therefore better protect against a fracture. The fracture resistance of porcelain veneers or crowns is about the same because they are both made of porcelain.
Which is better: porcelain or composite?
Porcelain veneers are less susceptible to tarnish on the teeth, smoother and often give a nicer cosmetic effect. It also lasts much longer and gives a more natural effect than composite veneers. However, porcelain veneers are a lot more expensive than composite veneers.
Sometimes speed is important, then composite veneers are better because they can often be placed in 1 treatment.
Can you eat anything with veneers?
Veneers allow you to eat anything, but some things are best avoided. Biting into something hard, such as a nail, pen or hard candy, can damage the veneers. Using your teeth as a tool to bite off or tear off something is not wise.
What is the difference between facings, shields, veneers or laminates?
Veneers, facings, shields or laminates all refer to the same cosmetic dental solution that masks imperfections in the teeth.
Who places veneers?
A dentist places the veneers after which your teeth are immediately beautiful again.
How are composite veneers placed?
A thin layer of enamel is ground off the tooth to be treated. This will help the veneer adhere better. Then the dentist applies the composite layer by layer, creating a veneer that matches the rest of your teeth. The veneer then fits well and feels comfortable.
How are porcelain veneers placed?
A thin layer of enamel is removed for proper fit and bonding. Your teeth are viewed and measured because the veneer must closely match the shape, color and size of the other teeth. After this, the porcelain veneers are made in a laboratory. You will receive temporary veneers until your follow-up appointment. Once your customized veneers are made, a follow-up appointment is quickly scheduled and the new veneers are placed with a special adhesive.
How long does placing veneers take?
Composite veneers can be applied by the dentist in one treatment in about an hour. Porcelain veneers are prepared during an initial dentist visit of half an hour to a full hour. Then the veneer is made in a few weeks. Finally, a follow-up appointment can be arranged immediately to place the veneer.
What does a composite veneer cost on average?
We follow the prices set by the government. Depending on the condition of the teeth and the personal wishes you can roughly take € 300, - to € 400, - into account per veneer.
What does a porcelain veneer cost on average?
We follow the prices set by the government. Depending on the condition of the teeth and the desire you can roughly take € 400, - to € 800, - into account per veneer.
Are veneers covered by insurance?
Dental veneers and their application are not covered by Dutch basic health insurance packages. You may be able to arrange additional (dental) insurance. Contact your insurance company and ask for the conditions to find out if veneers are covered.